Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

NEW Release SoftMouseDB (v 1.2.5) Usability Improvements

On Saturday evening November 20 we released an updated Mouse List Filter and the Family List Filter feature to SoftMouseDB Mouse Colony Software version to 
Subscribers: Please check your email for details.
Thank you for your support

Kelly Rodriques,
Iseehear Support Desk

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Follow Iseehear on Twitter

Follow Iseehear updates, bio medical related issues and developments @iseehear. Re-tweet @iseehear updates to your friends and colleagues.
Iseehear Early Adopter Program  Quality Assurance Process & Performance Testing

Sunday, September 5, 2010

10 Years of Innovation

We would like to extend a warm Thank You to all of our Families, Advisors, Friends and Subscribers for believing in us and our business plan. 

Good Thoughts from Kelly, Elena, Jimmy and the Iseehear Team.

Iseehear Internet Presence:
Web: Corporate website
Web: SoftMouseDB - Transgenic Mouse Breeding and Colony Maintenance Record-Keeping System
Web: Early Adopter Program (SoftMouseDB)
Web: - 30 DAY FREE TRIAL & Promotions
Blog: Iseehear Corporate Blog
Twitter: Corporate Micro-Blog Account

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Quebec willing to test Multiple Sclerosis treatment

The Canadian Press  Updated: Wed Aug. 18 2010 7:49:24 AM

A call for a national trial of a controversial M-S treatment has gained support.
Quebec Health Minister Yves Bolduc says the province would be willing to join a national clinical trial of the so-called liberation procedure.

To read and learn more: click this link Multiple Sclerosis The Liberation Treatment

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Join the Iseehear Early Adopter Community.

The Iseehear Early Adopter Program is designed and developed to allow subscribers to conveniently access and test Iseehear pilot applications and new features prior to commercial release.

The Iseehear Early Adopter Program (EAP) also gives subscribers an opportunity to provide their requirements on what they need and want in an ideal model organism relational database and management software for genetically engineered animal models. 

To read recent Iseehear Early Adopter Community posts please visit here

To learn more about the Iseehear Early Adopter Program please continue to read here
Sign up for the 30 DAY FREE TRIAL of SoftMouseDB at

Thank you !

Friday, May 21, 2010

First synthetic cell created by scientists

Building a life form in the laboratory - piece by piece from DNA building blocks - is as groundbreaking as it sounds.  See Presentation here

Dr Venter is the controversial scientist who famously developed a "short cut" for decoding the human genome a decade ago.

And the creation of his synthetic microbe is being compared with Dolly the sheep in genetics, and Microsoft's operating system in computing.

"Synthetic life" is new science and a new technology rolled into one.

The aim is to create a whole new biological toolkit - organisms with artificially added DNA instructing them to exude cleaner oils, or novel drugs or vaccines.

Dr Venter has been promising this for years, and now that he has succeeded we'll be hearing a lot about how he has "created life in the lab".

It's not quite that - not yet - but it's close.

Dr Venter and his team built "Synthia", as their new life form is nick-named by some, from snippets of DNA called "cassettes".

But he is still relying on a naturally-occurring microbe to act as a host - with its own DNA stripped out.

Don't misunderstand me. What Dr Venter has done is incredible science. I've already heard it described as Nobel prize-winning, "landmark", work.

But there is always an element of razzmatazz surrounding Dr Venter's research that makes it harder to sift fact from hype.

It will certainly raise the profile of a whole new field of science Synthetic Biology - less than decade old.

Filming at the Royal Society this morning - where coincidentally they were hosting a meeting on 

Synthetic Biology, a portrait of Charles Darwin gazed down the corridor towards the library.

I wondered what he would make of the discussion among a couple of dozen of today's brightest scientists and thinkers - gathered to ponder the latest in Synthetic Biology.

They are in no doubt that the potential is there for a new industrial revolution.

Dr Venter's microbe is just the start. Others will be inspired to build on it.

This is how Dr Venter sees his team's success: "This is an important step we think, both scientifically and philosophically. It's certainly changed my views of the definitions of life and how life works."

But just as Dr Venter unveiled his work, the critics lined up to call a halt.

There are calls for a moratorium until society can better understand the implications.

And even some of the scientists who work in the field have told me they worry that we lack the means to weigh up the risks such novel organisms might represent, once set loose in the real world. 

They are by definition so new that we cannot simply compare them with the risky microbes and pathogens we know about.

Venter: Artificial living cell will benefit humanity

Dr Craig Venter, who told BBC Newsnight that it was a breakthrough that would benefit humanity. See interview here

SoftMouseDB - Transgenic and Knockout Mouse / Mice Breeding and Colony Maintenance Record-Keeping System.

The Iseehear 30 DAY FREE TRIAL & Promotions website allows life science researchers to evaluate the usefulness and benefits of Iseehear's biomedical database and software offerings prior to committing to an annual subscription.

The first application to be hosted on 30 DAY FREE TRIAL & Promotions is SoftMouseDB - Transgenic and Knockout Mouse / Mice Breeding and Colony Maintenance Record-Keeping System.

Click here to find out more about SofMouseDB and how Iseehear can help you manage your research and experimental data management needs and requirements.

30 DAY FREE TRIAL & Promotions

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Launch of the Iseehear 30 DAY FREE TRIAL & Promotions website

The Iseehear 30 DAY FREE TRIAL & Promotions website allows researchers to evaluate the usefulness and benefits of Iseehear's biomedical database and software offerings prior to committing to an annual subscription.

The first application to be hosted on 30 DAY FREE TRIAL & Promotions is SoftMouseDB - Knockout and Transgenic Mouse Breeding and Colony Maintenance Record-Keeping System.

Click here to find out how Iseehear can help you manage your research and experimental data management needs and requirements.

TRY IT NOW - Create an account!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

SHADOWS IN THE CLOUD: Investigating Cyber Espionage 2.0

Currently reading: SHADOWS IN THE CLOUD: Investigating Cyber Espionage 2.0

Available on Scribd click here

Monday, March 8, 2010

International Women's Day

We (Elena, Kelly and Jimmy) are taking a moment to salute our grand mothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, friends and you on International Women's Day. Stay focused remain positive and have Good Thoughts.

International Women's Day   
March 8, 2010
(The originating website for the text below is -- )

International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war; during the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.

The idea of an International Women's Day first arose at the turn of the last century, which in the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies.

For a brief chronology of important events, visit the URL pasted below:

For some additional information and events please visit the URLs pasted below:

Elena, Kelly and Jimmy
Iseehear Inc.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Information about SoftMouseDB and Iseehear Early Adopter Program

Join the SoftMouseDB community and discover the benefits of using a relational database management system to Manage Your Mouse Colony Research. Sign up for the 30 DAY FREE TRIAL at

The SoftMouseDB mouse colony management software has options for tracking mice, cages, weaning, breeding and transgenic and knockout mouse / mice colonies.

Improve productivity, manage daily operations, establish accurate inventories of your mouse colonies and reduce your lab's mouse, breeding and research operating costs with SoftMouseDB.

Join the Iseehear Early Adopter Program (EAP).

The Iseehear Early Adopter Program is designed and developed to allow you to conveniently access and test Iseehear pilot applications prior to commercial release.

The Iseehear Early Adopter Program (EAP) also gives you an opportunity to provide your requirements on what you need and want in an ideal relational database management software for genetically engineered animal models. Sign up for the 30 DAY FREE TRIAL at

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NEW features have been added to Iseehear Early Adopter Program (EAP) - SoftMouseDB v 1.1.5

Current subscribers to the EAP - SoftMouseDB :  Please check your email for details on the new features.

For New subscribers there is a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL of the Early Adopter Program (EAP) SoftMouseDB --Transgenic Mouse Breeding relational database and Colony Management software -- at 

About: Iseehear Early Adopter Program

The Iseehear Early Adopter Program (EAP) is designed and developed to allow you to conveniently access and test Iseehear pilot applications prior to commercial release. The EAP also gives you an opportunity to provide your requirements on what you need and want in an ideal application.

The goal of the EAP is to facilitate timely feedback and communication between you and the Iseehear research and development teams:

The Iseehear Early Adopter Program (EAP) is looking for Enthusiasts and Visionaries who:

  • Share a vision of developing web based tools to improve the management of research data.
  • Have an interest in new technologies.
  • Are willing to collaborate with the Iseehear team.
  • Are interested in providing feedback and requirements.
For additional information, please visit

Multiple User Transgenic Mouse Breeding & Colony Management Relational Database Software; Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)

Monday, January 4, 2010

SoftMouseDB - Updates and New Features in the Coming Weeks

1- Iseehear will be releasing SoftMouseDB updates and new features in the coming weeks.

2- If you would like to Register for a 30 DAY FREE Trial of SoftMouseDB please visit

3- Please remember to send us your requirements if there are additional features that you would like to have added to SoftMouseDB. Please use the Orange Feedback and Support buttons at the top right of the SoftMouseDB interface to communicate directly with the Iseehear team.
Thank you for your support.
The Iseehear SoftMouseDB Team
Transgenic Mouse Breeding & Colony Management Database Software; Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)